
Caring for the Environment Means Green Mowing Practices.

ryobi battery mower

“Gas-powered lawn care contributes to as much as 5% of the national total air pollutions.  In addition, some 17 million gallons of gasoline are incidentally spilled while refueling gas-powered equipment; the equivalent of one large oil spill each year. – Consumer Reports”

A healthy lawn produces enough oxygen on its own to meet the needs of a family of four. This is neutralized when gas-powered equipment is used to maintain the turf as needed. A single riding lawn mower running for 1 hour produces the same smog promoting pollution as 8 cars running for the same period.

At Arlington Green Mowers we take a long-term, sustainable approach to lawn care. We correct underlying issues affecting your lawn’s health and ability to sustain its own needs. We use specific practices that encourage healthy grass able to fight off diseases, pests, and weeds while minimizing the use of chemicals. We believe in the natural and organic methods of cultivation for green spaces.

We use the best in the industry, all battery-operated equipment. The improvement to your environment is easy to notice in the lack of noise while we perform your zero-emission lawn services. Gas Powered Lawnmowers rate at 90 decibels; hearing loss occurs around 80 decibels. Our electric mower produces about 65 decibels of sound, and normal conversation occurs around 60 decibels. Our equipment causes the least amount of disruption in the industry for residents.

Explore our services below to see how we optimize each of our services.

ryobi battery mower

“Gas-powered lawn care contributes to as much as 5% of the national total air pollutions.  In addition, some 17 million gallons of gasoline are incidentally spilled while refueling gas-powered equipment; the equivalent of one large oil spill each year. – Consumer Reports”

A healthy lawn produces enough oxygen on its own to meet the needs of a family of four. This is neutralized when gas-powered equipment is used to maintain the turf as needed. A single riding lawn mower running for 1 hour produces the same smog promoting pollution as 8 cars running for the same period.

At Arlington Green Mowers we take a long-term, sustainable approach to lawn care. We correct underlying issues affecting your lawn’s health and ability to sustain its own needs. We use specific practices that encourage healthy grass able to fight off diseases, pests, and weeds while minimizing the use of chemicals. We believe in the natural and organic methods of cultivation for green spaces.

We use the best in the industry, all battery-operated equipment. The improvement to your environment is easy to notice in the lack of noise while we perform your zero-emission lawn services. Gas Powered Lawnmowers rate at 90 decibels; hearing loss occurs around 80 decibels. Our electric mower produces about 65 decibels of sound, and normal conversation occurs around 60 decibels. Our equipment causes the least amount of disruption in the industry for residents.

Explore our services below to see how we optimize each of our services.

We mow your grasses to their optimum height.  For most native grasses in Arlington, this is a minimum height of 3 inches. Upon request, we mulch the grass clipping to maximize reintroduction of nitrogen naturally back into your lawn.  

Edging of all hard surfaces and decorative edges to produce a clean, neat, finished appearance. Trimming around all building, trees, shrubs, fences and other obstacles and yard features to provide a finished appearance, discourage mold, algae or insect intrusion. Preventing grasses from growing into your shrubs maintains the optimum soil requirements for them, reducing chemical needs and promoting healthy growth.

Hedging of all shrubs and small trees accessible at ground level. Removal of invading plants and grasses affecting the over all health of the plant. We also remove dead wood from the internal structure of the bushes to encourage better internal growth to decrease the “empty bush” appearance many older shrubs exhibit.

We use a slow release polymer coated water insoluble nitrogen fertilizer every 6 weeks or so as needed by the grasses for healthy growth and weed resistance. These fertilizers breakdown slower and work with your lawns natural life cycle, releasing nutrients gently over time. They encourage deeper root growth which reduces watering needs, while feeding beneficial microorganisms. Grasses become more drought tolerant with improved disease resistance and more efficient nutrient uptake, requiring less fertilizer and care over time.

Weed Control is best handled thought healthy soil and grasses preventing the start of weed growth. What we see through long term negligence of these issues, weeds take over and the grasses become anemic. We take a long term approach to weed control. We use methods targeted directed to the kind of weeds present while correcting the issues preventing the growth of healthy grass.

Grasses have specific needs. In many cases we find yards have all kinds of different types of grasses. Arlington mostly have Bahia, Centipede, and St. Augustine. Conditions in your yard may require a different approach to each grass. Things to consider is water availability, soil/sand mixture, nutrients, pH balance, sun/shade exposure. We provide a recommendation based on your conditions and what is needed to make changes to those conditions.

We complete our own soil analysis, but can also work with the Florida Exchange to determine the challenges in your yard preventing a healthy yard. Once we know the why, the how is simple, but in many cases is not a quick fix. A troubled lawn that gets a sod makeover will soon be a troubled lawn with dead or anemic sod.

The best time to plan for a healthy and beautiful lawn for the summer is the prior fall. We dethatch, aerate where needed, fertilize, and then seed with a winter rye grass. Weeds grow year round; while your warm weather grasses go dormant. The winter grass fills in the blank spots where weeds may take hold. It also provides a nice green lawn for the winter months.

We use a dethatcher to remove the debris and dead grasses from your turf that promote fungus and disease incursion. This is often used with fall seeding or overseeding to fill in any gaps to prevent weed growth.

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